Cochemotores sobre el ramal G luego de una tarde lluviosa
An outbound Expo train passes the busy Associated Ready Mix plant along what was once an industrial part of the city of Santa Monica. There were two concrete plants like this still along the line ... (more)
Tamping machine on the bridge. Full moon made the recording, which is where a lot of light.
A loaded coal train heads westbound out of a winter snow storm with evidence still showing on the trucks. The train has just begun moving again after sitting in the siding in Crestline for several... (more)
Restored San Francisco Municipal Railway PCC. Now owned by the Bay Area Electric Railroad Association and operated on their restored portion of the Sacramento Northern main line. 1016 is pictured ... (more)
a Taurus doubleheader crosses the river Inn with the Alps in the background
A commuter train no. 439 from Kaengkoi junction to Buayai junction across the first bridge at Pasak Jolasid dam.