Kálmán Imre EuroNight train goes to Budapest from Munchen main station. The GySEV zRT prepared this engine for his memory the 150. anniversary of his death. This is the 2nd advertisement engine ... (more)
3 in 1... Rainbow, tram, and the advertisement engine... I managed to photograph a lucky moment. The 'Széchényi-lok' with his fast train (to Győr) passing over the Soroksári road. The tram... (more)
Freight train arrives from Ferencváros yard with the GySEV advertisment locomotive. The beautiful fitting wriggles in the S-curve of Törökbálint.
Rheingold train is going back to Germany with GYSEV's Széchenyi loco. The picture is taken in Budapest, Hungary.
Trans Europe Express... Rheingold specail train from Germany arrives to border of Szárliget. It came an 103 type engine until the border then the train got an other lokomotive that was the... (more)
New Széchenyi-lok...Széchenyi István who the greatest Hungarian. The GySEV zRT prepared this engine for his memory the 150. anniversary of his death. This is the 2nd advertisement engine... (more)
GySEV's new advertisement: the "Széchenyi-lok" speeds towards Budapest Keleti pu. with Intercity train #937 "Lővér-Halászbástya". It runs between Sopron - Budapest (Lővér IC) and Gr... (more)