Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 258 of the ELL (European Locomotive Leasing), rented to SBB Cargo International, is pulling the southbound intermodal train 40065 from Rotterdam Botlek overige ve... (more)
On this sunny day, the "LKW-Walter-Zug" was transported by 193 258 SBB CARGO INTERNATIONAL near Buggingen.
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 258 of the European Locomotive Leasing (ELL), rented by SBB Cargo International, is pulling the southbound intermodal train 42015 from Köln Eifeltor/Germany to G... (more)
The multi-system locomotive of the type "Vectron", here near Sexau with a long KLV train. This 6400KW strong locomotive, rented by European Locomotive Leasing to SBB CARGO INTERNATIONAL,... (more)
SBB Cargo International multisystem locomotive 193 258, leased from ELL (European Locomotive Leasing), is leading the intermodal train 42037 from Singen (Hohentwiel) in Germany to Busto Arsizio in... (more)
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 258 of the European Locomotive Leasing Company (ELL) and running for SBB Cargo International, rented by TR TransRail, is pulling the 12 cars AKE-Eisenbahntouristik TEE "Rhe... (more)
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 258 of European Locomotive Leasing (ELL), rented to SBB Cargo International, is pulling southbound intermodal train 40137 from Rotterdam Walhavn to Gallarate (Bus... (more)
Siemens Vectron 193 # 258 of ELL (European Locomotive Leasing), rented by SBB Cargo International, is pulling intermodal train 40137 from Rotterdam Waalhavn to Gallarate (Busto Arsizio Terminal), ... (more)