Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 466 "Bellinzona" of the SBB Cargo International, leased from the LokRoll company, is pulling an empty tank car train from Glattbrugg via Eglisau-Koblenz... (more)
Siemens Vectron 193 # 466 "Bellinzona" of the SBB Cargo International, leased from LokRoll, is pulling the intermodal train 42687 from Singen Hohentwiel via Konstanz-Romanshorn-Frauenfel... (more)
SBB Cargo 193 466 heads intermodal 42037 from Singen (Germany) to Busto Arsizio (Italy)
Southbound tank train with the leading SBB Cargo International locomotive 193 466.
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 466 "Bellinzona" of SBB Cargo International, rented from LokRoll company, with a southbound intermodal train over the Lötschberg-Simplon route, between... (more)
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 466 "Bellinzona" of SBB Cargo International, rented from LokRoll company, is pulling southbound Hupac intermodal train 42027 from Köln Eifeltor to Gallarate (Busto Arsizio... (more)