LMS 45231 'The Sherwood Forester' and LNER 4498 'Sir Nigel Gresley' thunder through Nuneaton Trent Valley Station with the 5Z60 0921 Crewe HS - Southall LS ECS and Locomotive Positioning Move duri... (more)
45231 passes Saltern Cove hauling 1Z27 16:30 Kingswear to Bristol Temple Meads charter on Wednesday 23rd June 2021
LMS 45231 'The Sherwood Forester' crosses Ribblehead Viaduct with the 1T52 'Fellsman' 0808 Lancaster - Carlisle
Black Five No.45231 'The Sherwood Forester' crosses the Glenfinnan Viaduct, with The Jacobite to Mallaig. This bridge has become very well known since appearing in Harry Potter and the Chamber of ... (more)
'Black Five' No.45231 'The Sherwood Forester' rolls through stunning Highland scenery on approach to the Glenfinnan Viaduct, with the second west-bound 'Jacobite' of the day.
LMS Black 5 5MT "The Sherwood Forrester" almost at the end of the 15 mile 1 in 100 climb from Settle on a misty early autumn day
LMS 45231 'The Sherwood Forester' departs Hellifield with the 1T53 'The Fellsman' 1512 Carlisle - Lancaster
LMS 45231 'The Sherwood Forester' breasts the summit at Ais Gill with the 1T53 'The Fellsman' 1512 Carlisle - Lancaster
Black Five no. 45231 waits to leave Bury Bolton Street station on the East Lancashire Railway, with a Friday night dining train. Taken from the unlit side of the station, using three flashguns.
The all important and useful wheel barrow no steam depot can be without them
45231 ''The Sherwood Forester'' powers North past Ravenstruther after being held in Carstairs to let a passenger train run ahead of it, 45231 was heading North from Carnforth to Fort William (Scot... (more)
LMS 45231 'The Sherwood Forester'
2nd shot of Black Five no. 45231 heading the "Witch Way" main line special. This time it is climbing towards Copy Pit.
4th shot of Black Five no. 45231 heading the "Witch Way" main line special. This time it is passing Bromley Cross station.