With 100 mph, the Re 460 # 002 is pulling the doubledeck "IC2000" push-pull train IC 822 from Romanshorn via Zürich-Bern to Brig, in the Aare valley between Wichtrach and Kiesen.
Re 460 # 002 is leaving Erstfeld bound for Göschenen with a test push pull train. Brand new is the car X 99 85 93-61 247-1 (rebuilt) called gDFZ (gezogenes Diagnosefahrzeug/not self propelled dya... (more)
460 002 from SBB heads IR 2075 from Bâle to Zurich
Re 460 002 in the great colors "Fürs Klima, die Bahn" (for the clima, the train) with an interregio train from Basel to Zürich airport.
Re 460 002 "Fürs Klima, die Bahn" / "Le Train, un geste pour le climat" (For a better clima, take the train) pulls Inter Regio 2075 from Basel to Zürich Airport on the Bözberg line near Zeihen.... (more)