Several of the Re 484 locomotives (Bombardier TRAXX F 140 MS), built in 2004, used by SBB Cargo International til now, are now in service for SBB Cargo in Switzerland. Re 484 # 011 is pulling the ... (more)
484 011 from SBB Cargo passes Neuhausen area on the way from Limmattal Yard to Singen.
Next to a hump (not in use anymore) Re 484 011 leaves Schaffhausen with a freight train from Limmatal yard to Singen in Germany.
Since a few weeks, some Re 484 locomotives, previous used by SBB Cargo International for traffic between Switzerland and Italy, are now running in the national freight services. Bombardier TRAXX F... (more)
Multisystem locomotives 484 011 and 484 003 with a southbound intermodal train.