Deltic no. 55 022 Royal Scots Grey is seen in the snow working a Rawtenstall to Heywood service on the East Lancashire Railway. Snow cause lots of problems for a heritage railway, run almost enti... (more)
"Deltic" no. 55 022 Royal Scots Grey about to pass under the bridge at Market St, Bury in the snow, after crossing the 'Ski Jump' bridge over the Metrolink tramway with a Lunchtime Diner service f... (more)
Deltic no. 55 022 Royal Scots Grey on display at the Open Weekend at The West Coast Railway Co. site at Carnforth
Deltic 55022 'Royal Scots Grey' passing the former Walcot suger beet factory while working 1Z47 Cardiff- Llandrindod Wells rail tour. This is the first time a Deltic loco has ever worked on this l... (more)
Preserved "Deltic"" no. 55 022 Royal Scots Grey heads through Moses Gate station, heading for Carnforth to work a railtour.