In 2014, Kita-Osaka Kyuko Railway introduced a new train 9000 Series. As the Namboku Line further extended to the northern side this year, three more trains have joined the fleet.
Load with stone for cement industry.
CP 9004 and CP 214 tow the Vouga historical train on your return to Aveiro
Diesel locomotive 9004 with the narrow gauge historical train to Aveiro
Diesel locomotive 9004 with the narrow gauge historical train from Aveiro to Macinhata do Vouga.
Diesel locomotive 9004 with the narrow gauge historical train in Águeda station.
Test run of the new ICE 4 highspeed train of the Deutsche Bahn AG on the Thur valley line of the SBB between Sulgen and Erlen. This type should replace the ICE 1 type in the traffic between German... (more)
ICE 4 # 9004 of the Deutsche Bahn is on test run on the Thur valley main line of the SBB between Sulgen and Erlen.
Test run of the 12 car train ICE 4 of the Deutsche Bahn on the Thur valley mainline between Sulgen and Erlen.
ICE 4 of the Deutsche Bahn is on test runs in the Thur valley between Sulgen and Erlen.
ICE 4 of the Deutsche Bahn is on test runs in the Thur valley and running along the pond at Riedt between Sulgen and Erlen.