The 11:32 Wembley to Trafford Park intermodal passes Rugby station behind StobbartRail liveried 92017.
DB Schenker 92017,in StobartRail livery,heads the Daventry to Wembley empty bottled water train south just north of Roade.
DB Schenker/Stobart Rail's 92017 makes its way South past Carstairs with 4M48 Mossend (Glasgow, Scotland) - Rugby (Warwickshire, England) Tesco train, The train runs daily and is far more efficien... (more)
Stobart Rails/DB Schenkers 92017 ''Bart The Engine'' heads South towards Float Bridge with the 4M48 Mossend - Rugby ''Tesco Express''
Stobart Rail / Deutsche Bahn Schenker 92017 ''Bart The Engine'' heads the 4S43 Rugby (Central England) - Mossend (Glasgow) North past Ravenstruther, The train conveys goods for 1 of the big superm... (more)
Deutsche Bahn Schenkers 92017 ''Bart The Engine'' heads the 4S43 Rugby (Central England) - Mossend (Glasgow) ''Tesco Express'' train, This was the 1st Saturday Northbound service under the hands o... (more)