Northbound train I67 led by AC44i #9817 departing Guaianã yad.
AC44i assigned for helper service, ready to couple at the end of southbound FCA train, at KM 76.
Switching duties at Km 76 with helper set N63 ready to couple at the end of southbound FCA U50, standing by at background.
Helper set N63 with AC44i #9817 pushing the southbound loaded U50 at the grade of Km 80.
Helper set N63 with AC44i #9817. By the way, Rumo #9817 had better days.
Northbound train standing by at North Capricornio.
Overview of Capricornio yard, with northbound empty X09 double heading CW44´s and C30-7´s trailing.
Brand new AC to Rumo Logistica.