It brings ballast for distributing around Sidotopo station. The ballast had been loaded in Mojokerto city about 1 hour 30 minutes trip from Surabaya city
Mr Nawawi is giving morning smile & ask to me "Hi Edja will u come with me sending these tank cars to fuel depot ?" and I said "No thanks" then he continued his duty on
On the way home to Sidotopo from delivering freight wagons at Indro Gresik
An economy class serves northern line between Surabaya - Bojonegoro, always full of passenger & quite hard find a seat to sit on
A sunbathing of caging cock put as a foreground composition on the passing economy class train which has been arrived from Kertosono city
Prepare back to Surabaya with no wagons hauled
The driver knows me very well & waive me as well