A view of BNSF's former Great Northern iron ore yard in the Allouez neighborhood of Superior. An ore train for Hibbing Taconite is preparing to depart behind a pair of road units while a veteran S... (more)
The Grand Rapids crosses a small creek outside the self proclaimed "Catfish Capital of the World", Floodwood, MN as they head west to grand Rapids with cars for the Blandin paper plant.
The Grand Rapids local runs across the Prairie River en route to Grand Rapids, MN to drop off loads and pick up empties. They will then head back home to Superior, WI.
After leaving Superior, WI and with work to do in Carlton, MN and Cloquet, MN, the Grand Rapids local arrives at it's namesake destination with cars for the Blandin paper plant, the towns biggest ... (more)
The Grand Rapids local runs track speed through the small town of Blackberry, MN and past an advertisement for the an old tractor show coming up later this year.
A pair of classics and an old classic car. The Grand Rapids local heads west on the Lakes Sub through Swan River, MN on a warm late spring day.
After blasting through Floodwood, MN the Grand Rapids local kicks it up a notch as they head west down the BNSF Lakes Sub. for Grand Rapids.