A sucker hole of sunlight shines on this loaded Boeing car bound for Seattle for final assembly as it passes the Front Range at Colorado Springs on the Joint Line.
Rain and snow greet a westbound BNSF grain train that is tied down in the siding at Hathaway, MT east of Forsyth. The crew would have finished their trip into Forsyth in a van. The weather in Mont... (more)
A westbound manifest freight on Main 2 passes the DPU on an eastbound at Belton (West Glacier) along BNSF's Hi Line Subdivision.
A southbound grain train waits for the highball from Lima to points south. Next stop, Cincinnati.
A BNSF Z-train races into the sunset at about 70mph.
Z train at track speed
My first eastbound catch after sunrise...a hotshot intermodal.
BNSF4666, BNSF5324 pass Frost cross-over with westbound intermodal, passing BNSF5402, BNSF5276, BNSF4468, SF890 etc on eastbound train. 10.15Hrs