2 decades since the release of Microsoft Train Simulator, BNSF 4723 still proudly wears it's MSTS logo even this long after the game has been released. If there's any media that started my love fo... (more)
Westbound crude oil loads top out the Continental Divide at Blossburg, as they pass a 4 pack of SD70ACe helpers waiting to go back to Helena
BNSF 4723 leads Westbound in the evening across the Auglaize River in Defiance Ohio on the CSX sub division
BNSF 4723, the Microsoft Train Simulator engine, leads the Z-CHCPTL west on the BNSF Spokane Sub at Athol, ID. Here it is racing across Granite Loop Rd.
Microsoft Train Simulator unit.
MSTS locomotive, Nikon D2x, 18mm
An eastbound heads up the normally downhill South track up Cajon, near Silverwood.
What do i win? Canon EOS 40D
Under threatening skies a BNSF train rolls by a junked car west of Winslow.
BNSF 4723, the MS Train Simulator engine, leads this westbound late in the afternoon east and up through Cajon Pass.
A long string of autoracks pass under the old Soo Line bridge in Little Falls on their way to Blue Island, Illinois.
The Microsoft Train Simulator loco heads west leading a string of brand new hoppers bound for the Powder River for loading.
BNSF 4723....Why does that number sound so familiar?