Crawford Hill is located on BNSF Butte Subdivision between Edgemont, SD, and Alliance, NE. East of Crawford the railroad has to climb 821 feet on average grade over 1.55% over the Pine Ridge escar... (more)
An uncommon sight takes place on this quiet, Southern California evening as BNSF 5469 rests at the bumper of Track 5 of Los Angeles Union Station. Leased by Metrolink while their cabcar's pilots w... (more)
My last chance to catch one of the leased BNSF AC4400s in passenger service on Metrolink was a nail biter. The train was running late and I helplessly watched shadows quickly take over my scene. L... (more)
With Saddleback looming in the distance, Metrolink train 686 (Los Angeles to Irvine) departs the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal C... (more)
Behold the great expanse of the Red River Valley, what once was the bottom of glacial Lake Agassiz. Now it's just fertile, flat land that gives the Grand Forks - Northtown manifest absolutely no ... (more)