With four GE's on the head end, a BNSF manifest freight sits at the signal outside of Justin, Texas on the Fort Worth Subdivision as it waits to get a recrew to work Alliance Yard and head north. ... (more)
North bound in the clear at Oakbrook.
A pair of GEs bring up the rear of an ethanol train as they head towards Watson.
BNSF 6132 hauls a grain train passed the Izaak Walton Inn.
Grinding up the 1.55% grade of Crawford Hill, BNSF 6132 east would be lucky to be going 10 mph, as two gevos pull hard on the front, and an SD70MAC and two SD70ACes shove hard on the rear.
After passing through Greenland, BNSF 6132 heads south toward Palmer Lake.
It was always fun to photograph this high-nose SD9, in full Heritage 1 paint, pulling cars from the Galesburg classification bowl.