NS 68N Frac Sand Loads to the Lehigh Railway thru Cameron
BNSF 9161 & 9706 with an eastbound loaded coal train.
BNSF 9161 & 9947 lead an eastbound loaded coal train past Phillips NE, population 287.
With Spring right around the corner, Bakken crude oil traffic continues to increase for the hungry oil refineries in northern New Jersey. Here the warm sun beats down on the CSX K044 as it rumbles... (more)
After a healthy hike on the frozen lake, I made it around the bend and found a spot that I visited when the weather was a tiny bit warmer. The parade of oil continues out of North Dakota.
The view from the surface of Lake Ashtabula on a perfect February afternoon as an eastbound crude oil train soars overhead. Days like this make enduring winters on the northern plains worthwhile.
An empty rock train heads north on the Madill Sub (ex-Frisco) through Carrollton.
BNSF 9161 west is back on the move after the train went into emergency in Elk River.
BNSF 9161 + 9466 skirt the Powder River on the approach to Arvada WY with coal empties. The goat did get out of the way at the very last minute !!
A trio of EMDs storm across the Gull River on old wooden trestle as they hustle 123 coal loads towards Superior, WI.
Coal empties en route back to Powder River for more