Westbound coal empties catch the last rays of golden light as they work back to the Powder River for another load.
A BNSF coal train runs down the wrong side of the river, headed for Columbia, WI on the CP. Shot from John Latsch State Park... it's a long walk to the top.
A runthrough coaltrain passes through the backwaters of the Mississippi on the CP River Sub.
Trying for a fresher take on a common coal train leaving the Ports. The majority of BNSF and CP trains in the Twin Ports have to pass through this location at sometime. In the foreground is the tr... (more)
Z LACKCK1-05 With BNSF 9956, BNSF 9371, SOO 6032, NS 9413, & KCS 4008 with 53 Loads, 4182 Tons 5206 Feet. Photographed at 08:03.
An empty coal train continues west through downtown Brainerd. The building and smokestacks seen in the background once belonged to the Northern Pacific's enormous car shop.
This empty coal train is pulling into the siding at Ryder to wait on a dogcatch crew. Heavy traffic on the Dickinson Sub this day made making the 222 miles trip from Mandan, ND to Glendive, MT abo... (more)
Just as the sun is about to set for the day, an empty coal train, sparkling clean following earlier rain storms in the area, rounds the curve to the west of Dickinson.
BNSF 9956 is with a loaded coal train waiting for a signal at Barton Street in Turrell, Arkansas, on the Thayer South Sub.