It's midday in the small town of Lapel, Indiana as CEIW 4295 starts switching out cars bound for the Brockway Glass across town.
CEIW 4295, a CNW GP7 rebuild, leads a small local past the former Big Four depot in Anderson, Indiana.
The CEIW 4295 comes to a slow creep for the conductor to grab his switch list from the CSX yardmaster just behind me. Here is where they come into town and get onto CSX.
CEIW 4295 wakes up the town of Lapel, Indiana as it comes through with 15 empties for CSX. The small town of just over 2,000 was founded in 1876 when the railroad was extended out to it.
CEIW 4295 leads a 24 car train south through Anderson, Indiana on its way to the yard to interchange with CSX. To get these guys moving is a difficult task but to get them moving on Sunday is next... (more)
CEIW 4295 (GP7R) sits in Lapel, Indiana by the Owens-Brockway plant.