CN 2204 leads a intermodal train south through Crest Hill.
CN train A42391-01 slows for the 20 MPH speed restriction at the Carbondale yard office, about a 1 mile behind me. North Carbondale is where the Double track goes back to single track until Shafe... (more)
CN 2204 + CN 2319 team up pulling 146 platforms of US bound stacks past the former wheat king at Hubbard
CN x371 chugs past Snider, approaching MacMillan Yard.
CN 116 approaches Hubbard with US bound stacks
Using the road power off of 436's train, an extra Port Arthur Yard Job shuffles across the McIntrye River enroute from Neebing-Port Arthur Yard's with a handfull of cars for the packing plant and ... (more)
Its going to be a long day for the crew on this train, no AC on this unit, not a good leader to have during a hot Texas summer.
Running Hammer Head, I never seen a GE running backword's Now I have.