CN 305 is blasting by a CN 327 which is stopped in front of Dorval Station on a cold and windy afternoon. With CN 149 not too far ahead with engine problems and a number of VIA trains in the mix, ... (more)
CN 2262 is in charge of CN 149 as it approaches the last crossing in the Port of Montreal, flagged by a Port of Montreal employee whose truck is parked at right.
CN 394 rolls over the Richelieu river at Otterburn Park on a sunny afternoon with CEFX 2011, and QGRY 2500 in trailing position for Richmond, QC.
CN 368 with a 2+1 configuration rolls past a conventional CN 373 who will cross over at Clarke.
CN 2262, IC 1033 and CN 8864 lead an eastbound intermodal through Ardrossan.
ES44DC CN 2262, SD70 IC 1033 and SD70M-2 CN 8864 lead an east bound intermodal past the west switch at Ardrossan.
Early morning sunlight sees 301 powering Eastbound on the York Subdivision, shortly after departing from MacMillan Yard.
A pair of CN units visited New Jersey for the weekend: CN 2262 & 8923 led CSX K684 (ethanol loads) east into the area on Friday May 18th. By Sunday the train was unloaded. Here the same two unit... (more)
A trio of high horsepower units pull a lengthy 422 towards Toronto MacMillan Yard, 2.5 miles behind me
M303 is passed by the Skeena, VIA 7 at Moose Lake, as viewed from the Skyline car
M303 accelerates out of Jasper with Pyramid Mountain in the background
M303 idles beside the station on a -very- chilly day
The cab of brand new 2262.
CN 2247 and 2262 reverse back into Jasper's Yard to tie back onto their train, after doubling over from track five to nine. U762 consisted of 14 grain empties for Edmonton, and 104 coal empties, m... (more)