Keenan Switch shoves into the plant to rescue the ore train in the distance which had some cars buried by an accident in the loadout pocket. Might not be maroon, but interesting pair nonetheless.
Familiar faces of GMD's best mainline power from the 1970s and early 1980s sit side-by-side at Biwabik. The Keenan Switch deposits cars in Biwabik Yard before taking coal loads to Minnesota Power'... (more)
CN 632 glides into Canyon on its southbound journey from Hearst to Sault Ste. Marie, the day after dropping us off here. Shot from the back porch of our caboose home for the week.
My very first shot of our 2010 trip to Agawa Canyon. We got to Steelton Yard in plenty of time to toss our gear and grub on the baggage car and then take some shots of our train before departure. ... (more)