Canadian Pacific was still handling passengers between Esquimalt, near Victoria, and Nanaimo, BC on Vancouver Island when I made my first visit in May 1975. I only had time to capture this one pho... (more)
A trio of EMD power leads 220 of the thirteenth into Sudbury Yard with a set off and lift at the south end of the yard.
The first train ordered to run through Sudbury and get the workday under way with a large lift of raw materials.
In a freak snow squall in mid-April, derateable CP SD90/43MAC 9103 leads four other EMD-produced units and a decent sized 441 past Lisgar GO Station.
CP 222 at the west end of Marathon.
CP Train 103 pulls away from the Depot with a large consist.
See the conductor in the nose? CP #101-CP 9103, 9120, 13 h/e autoracks, intermodal-296 axles @ 19:00
Two big mac's on the point!
A pair of light CP engines heads to Pigs Eye Yard for their train.