CP AC4400CW 9587 departs eastbound from Smiths Falls with loaded oil train #550.
A Golden Beaver shoves stacks east near Belgrade. There's not much snow for us this winter.
CP crude oil empties 617 cross the Little Pic River ... (more)
Shortly after leaving Glenwood, 292 flies around a curve at track speed as it heads east to meet 199 at Murray.
A bright sunrise marks what promises to be an above average day on a chilly morning.
Eastbound intermodal passes by the old prairie skyscraper at Marquette. There are only four wooden elevators left along CP's mainline in Manitoba. Time will only tell how long this one will remain... (more)
Westbound on bridge in city, years ago this was the former Erie main line.
In the last light of the day, a westbound wastes little time getting up to track speed as it leaves Belgrade behind. Only Brooten and Sedan lie between this crew and the end of their run at Glenw... (more)
A westbound accelerates out of Murray Siding after meeting an eastbound.
An eastbound grain train passes the large CPR communications tower on the west side of Brooten.
At sunset, a unit grain train passes beneath the watchful eye of the Regal elevator.
The barren, lightly snowed terrain of the Thompson Canyon hosts CP 9587 and a westbound coal train
CP EMD SD9043AC 9112 & GETS AC4400CW 9587 (ex Holiday Train) exit the yard and are now pushing back to grab their short train - > CP #435-CP 9112, 9587, 14 h/e woodchip cars, 1 boxcar, 2 hoppers, ... (more)
"20ft on the joint"