A CP manifest accelerates through Rondout following permission, due to Hiawatha 332 being allowed to pass on the westbound track.
147 of the 24th crosses the Thames River bridge in Woodstock behind CP 9663 - BNSF 9630 - CP 6225.
A pair of GE products lean into the curve off of Islington Ave. in Vaughn Ontario. Note the mismatched number boards on the leader.
After a crew change at Field, westbound CP 9663 leads 9217 feet of train past CP115 and onto the CP Mountain Subdivision. I'll admit, the puddle reflection was not entirely planned.
It is almost 6:30a.m. and the sun has just crested over the mountains as the morning mist begins to dissipate.
CP 9663 leads the 8808 around the big curve on the approach to South Haven East on a beautiful day in central Minnesota.
CP #115-CP 9663, 8569, 34 intermodal platforms-132 axles @ 18:55
Eastbound intermodal meeting the ARMY train Note: Mismatched number boards