Checked on No. 7 The Skookum now located on the Niles Canyon Railway while I was up there. The steam shop door was open and it was getting some sun and waiting to get back out on the rails. No 3 w... (more)
Maintenance on a steam engine is a full time even on the all volunteer Nile Canyon Railway. No.7 the 2-4-4-2 Skookum is getting taken care of as it rests in the Steam Shop at Btightside Yard.
Skookum (Columbia River Belt Line 2-4-4-2 7) rolls across a timber bridge that looks like it can barely support the wight of the locomotive near Wheeler.
"Skookum", a 2-4-4-2 Mallet Baldwin steam locomotive built in 1909, and completely rebuilt over the last 15 years looking "at home" on the Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad, near Ba... (more)