Q403 crosses the Catskill trestle as a couple people fish.
Northbound freight Q584 has just topped the Raccoon Mountain grade and will begin to set up dynamics as it descends down into the Tennessee River Valley. While Southbound freight Q583 is down on i... (more)
Loaded rack train Q262 comes east in the afternoon with a YN2 AC44CW leading.
Westbound stacks stretch out through Standley with another pair of mismatched GE's, a common theme on CSX.
CSXT 231 framed by the old C&O bridge at Elkhorn City.
Obviously has permission to travel through this work area, as you can see the work block next to MM 116 (albeit, on the backside, it reads 27, probably representing the original C&O Extension to E... (more)
End of my chase as CSXT 231 has passed through Pool Point Tunnel, and over the Pool Point Trestle for its journey through the Breaks Gorge.
EB crosses the EC bridge and begins the trip upgrade over the ole Clinchfield Route.
CSXT 231 blows through Levisa Jct this morning.