Local power in the form of Road Slug 2319, it's mother unit GP40-2 6498 along with GP38-2 2658 stand at the Dog House which in years passed got it's name from the Purina plant located here which i... (more)
The 2319 and it's mother unit GP40-2 6498 have returned again. Back to grind of spending the night at the Dog House in Union City, Ga.
SXT RoadMate 2319 and it's mother unit, CSX GP40-2 6498 are seen in Union City, Ga. as they're illuminated for a brief minute during the early morning hours of Sep18-2013.
Y102 makes its way through town enroute to Arkansas as it crosses under Hollywood Street.
Y301J has had to wait through three eastbound UP trains before proceeding west. The Memphis-Arkansas Bridge and the Pyramid loom in the background.