Selkirk, NY to Waycross, GA manifest train M409 is seen heading out of Richmond crossing over the James River Bridge, built by the Atlantic Coast Line in 1919.
CSXT 521 leads X52310 going by CP South Alice in Birmingham, AL
An empty coil steel train heads east for a reload on a beautiful spring morning.
As the early morning fog starts to lift a eastbound coal train grinds up hill in notch 8.
A pair of CSX GEs bring empty coal hoppers up RJ Corman's Loup Creek Branch and past Loup Creek Falls on a chilly winter afternoon on their way to Pax for loading.
The Columbus bound CSX Q123 passes a cut of cars sitting on the siding, as RP contributor Brandon Townley works on getting ... (more)
Sporting a new symbol for the KD, U335 runs out of Hickory Creek tunnel and towards Duff Mountain. No help will be needed today.
Truly a joy to photograph at night, among the many unique views La Grange offers is this one from the front porch of the Mayors house as out in Main Street, 521 passes southbound at 21:46.
Coal drag N164 grinds up the grade, with sister engine 520 doing helper work on the rear. The move has just tripped the signals.
Eastbound coal train winds along the James River.
CSX 521 waits by the siding as a derailer hides in the shadows at the bottom left.