A westbound CS train led by GP30 6917, passenger GP9 6601 and WM SD35 7432 head through the Center St. crossing in Youngstown, OH.
While the track gang looks on a P&LE westbound train of empties rolls out of the P&LE yard in Youngstown, OH led by U28B 2808, MP15DC 1585, 1580 and another U28B.
CSX A742, a then Monday-Friday local job from College Park to the A&WP Belt Line was dedicated to Williams Brothers, the job ran like clock work on most days and always had the string of Williams ... (more)
Looking odd at first sight, a huge pile of crossties come rolling down the mainline with a gentlemen seemingly perched on top of them... In actuality, a CSX MAC truck is traveling in reverse with... (more)
A713 gets ready to spot up the northbound cut for A727 which will arrive later in the evening.
A CSX mother and slug spend the night with a small work train on the old manual scale track.
After coming to a stop, A025's conductor steps off the welded rail train. The train has just finished laying some new rail along the A&WP sub, which is also preparing for a tie replacement schedu... (more)
A freshly repainted GP40-2/slug combo drifts into Cullman with a MOW train consisting of a motley assortment of gondolas.