Now gone because of CSX's roster cuts, CSXT 7547 leads a westbound manifest through Fostoria, Ohio on its way to the Chi.
Q544, a daily manifest passes by the Dog House on a clear November afternoon with a typical mixed six axle consist as B30-7 5538 looks on.
After meeting L163, eastbound Q380 throttles up as they pass through the control point at East Defiance in white-out conditions.
Hoping for an even more spectacular lashup that day on the Detroit Lakes Sub, i ended up settling for this one. Two visiting GE's from Thief River Falls yard head south toward Hazel to pick up 10... (more)
There were once two crossings at this location, Jaquay Road being the last one standing. You can still see the remains of the Osborne Road grade crossing in the foreground.
The power for today's Q681 waits for its crew. This power would eventually have to be reversed due to the fact that the lead unit's horn was cut out.
Northbound autoracks make good time up the Main Line Sub.
Nikon FM-10, 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6 AIS Zoom-Nikkor, Fuji Sensia 100