Q167 creeps through Depew behind a nice C40-8 leader.
In the climbing sun and heat of the day, a refreshing dose of a quickly disappearing paint scheme, darts east on the point of CSX train Q626.
The day Brunswick loses it's B&O identity. Q249 passes the westbound "WB" CPL. It would become the last train to pass this sentinel as within the hour, it would fall as part of the signal replacem... (more)
CSXT diesels wait to couple to their train of empty coal hoppers after they have been unloaded at Toledo Docks.
Dwelling amidst the kudzu covered banks of the Etowah river, I snapped this shot of Q540 as it wound down to the river in heavy DB from the top of the hill at Emerson.
NB CSX over the Etowah River.
CSX Q115? heading south on the CSX River Line, past the detector