CSX K443-11 makes the squeeze into one of three rock cuts as the train descends into Tantallon from Rockledge. One of ten C40-8WM's is seen on the helm of the Lawrenceville bound ethanol train aft... (more)
Running north to meet southbound Q696-28 at Rocky, Q692-28 splits the Clinchfield Signals at Ashford with a rebuilt C40-8W doing the honors.
THE CLINCHFIELD LIVES AGAIN. After passing Q696 at Rocky Siding and climbing the loops through Spruce Pine, Q692 continues north towards Kingsport. It's almost like it was 5 years ago... if it wer... (more)
Eastbound autorack train along Wills Creek.
Q226 roll slowly towards Greene JCT where it will be setting off and picking up some autoracks.
A crewless CSX train sits in UP Salem Yard.