Approaching Zanguga Siding with a train for Victoria Falls
NRZ main line garrett No 613 storms across the bridge just adjacent to Lokozi Siding. This location is within Hwange National Park and Elephants are often to be seen beneath the bridge.
Weighing 180 tons in working order and delivered in 1952 No 613 moves her passenger charter northwards, bound for Matetsi.
One of the few remaining operating steam locomotives on the NRZ has just emerged from the only tunnel on the entire Zimbabwean Railway System. Geoffs Trains runs a photographic safari to Zimbabwe... (more)
A busy scene on the southern end of Thompson Junction Shunting Yard. Charter by Geoff's Trains.
Hauling empty coal wagons, one of the larger NRZ Garratt locomotives round the curve below Baobab Hotel with a Baobab tree visible on the left.
There were elephant footprints in the river sand as one of the last remaining working Garrets on the NRZ works her train of empties bound for Thompson Junction.
No 613 works her coal train past Class 15A No 395 with a train bound for Old Hangwe Station.
Coal was always the most important commodity moved by rail both eastbound and westbound from Thompson Junction.