Freight train of TRANSAP railroad with EMD SD39-3M No. D-2301 leading the train, passing over Ruta 78 Highway by Sepultura bridge in travel Barrancas (San Antonio) - Los Lirios (near Rancagua city... (more)
Freight train of TRANSAP railway with duo of EMD SD39-3M, route Barrancas (San Antonio) - Los Lirios (near Rancagua city), loaded with sulfuric acid for export to great copper mines of northern Ch... (more)
EMD SD39-3M locomotive and TRANSAP train #60.024 loaded with sulfuric acid, crossing a little bridge in Llolleo, and arriving to Barrancas harbour in San Antonio city, during the first sunbeams of... (more)
Acid train of TRANSAP railway company, crossing Lonquen Bridge over the Maipo river, in a very cold day.
Train TRANSAP company, transporting sulfuric acid to the seaport of San Antonio, cross the bridge over the river mapocho, in the commune of Talagante, RM, Chile.
Locomotora D-2301 operando en múltiple junto a la D-2302 el Tren del Ácido.
Locomotora 2301+2304, al mando del Tren del Ácido, cruzando río Angostura, con destino puerto de San Antonio.
EFE nº123 anniversary.
Transap Diesel locomotive n°2301, before GP-40 SOO 2008 / Milwaukee Road 2008 / Milwaukee Road 188.