Steam on the Naugy. Flagg Coal 75 shows off her muscles as she hauls 3 former CNR heavyweight steel coaches and a wooden CV Caboose north along Connecticut's Naugatuck River on an afternoon... (more)
Steam returns to the Naugy. From his lofty perch in the cab of his trusty U-Boat, an Engineer from the Railroad Museum of New England admires a vistor from another era. For the 3rd year in... (more)
A nice posed shot during the Friday night photo session of the West Virginia festival featured Flagg Coal 75 (receiving some attention), New Hope Valley 17 and B&O 722.
A quiet Sunday morning finds a crew from the Railroad Museum of New England giving Flagg Coal #75 a workout assembling a string of vintage freight cars in the yard adjacent to the old Plume & Atwo... (more)
A roving ambassador for railroad history! Steam locomotives represented a significant advance in human achievement. They were the first man-made objects that could move under their own p... (more)
Prior to the day's passenger trips, a crew from the Railroad Museum of New England takes an opportunity to utilize Flagg Coal #75 for the purpose for which she was designed...switching cars in the... (more)
Who Needs A Photo Line? Flagg Coal 75 performs a photo runby at Jericho Bridge during the Mass. Bay Railroad Enthusiasts Steam On The Naugy charter. Despite fellow RPer Kevi... (more)
Steam on the Naugy! Railroad Museum of New England Crew Dispatcher Barb Walcott flags the private crossing at the WHYCo factory as Flagg Coal #75 charges northbound toward Thomaston Station... (more)
Steam on the Naugy! I grew up in Western Connecticut, not far from the town of Torrington. In the 60s, the New Haven Railroad branch line running up the Naugatuck River Valley was the only... (more)
Flagg Coal 75 pulls up to the turntable at Owosso for a demostration.
Flagg Coal Co. 75 brings the last excursion of the day west across Dickey Road and past the Wild West town. The 0-4-0T will be one of 8 steam locomotives present at TrainFest 2009 in Owosso, MI.