GECX ET44AC 2038 pulls out of the north yard at Jasper with a Watrous-Vancouver grain train.
GECX 2038 leads U268 taking the siding at Hubbard, Saskatchewan with 100 crude oil loads with 4 buffers east towards Melville. A new crew will then hop on and in this case, take it all the way to ... (more)
GECX 2038 is the leader on a CN 377 which at the time was parked for a few weeks due to a protest on CN's main line along Tyendinaga Mohawk territory at the time. Most of these GECX units on CN ha... (more)
Still wearing its demonstrator paint, GECX ET44AC 2038 has escaped getting the red/black dip... for now.
Two trains (M37721-06 & M32121-06) are parked near a crossing at MP 202.77 of CN's Kingston Sub, unable to continue west due to a protest on CN's main line along Tyendinaga Mohawk territory at the... (more)
GECX 2038 rests at the south end of Markham Yard.
All blue GECX 2038 leads CSX K622 on the Lehigh Line.
GECX 2038 brings up the rear of this eastbound BNSF stack train as it races across the Mojave Desert at Essex.
GECX 2038 leads a westbound QCHILAC through Corona at Prado Dam. This is 1 of 5 GECX's that were testing on the CN that have now be turned over and joined the other fleet of blue beasts that are t... (more)