Deep in central Texas at rural Lometa, the power for the aptly named Heart of Texas Railroad awaits the next call to duty as BNSF's QCLOHOU flies by on the adjacent mainline.
Eastbound loads head into the rising sun, rolling over continuous welded rail dating back as far as 1912.
Loads of frac sand head east as the conductor follows behind in the hi-rail, inspecting for problems along the way. This former Santa Fe branch line has a long history of moving the valuable sand,... (more)
Dirt roads, cactus and mesquite are plentiful along the Heart of Texas Railroad. The cow skull on the old fence post and the Texas Flag inspired paint scheme really tie it all together in this sce... (more)
Back in business! Having made a remarkable recovery following a dramatic bridge fire and subsequent collapse, Heart of Texas Railroad has proven to be resilient. The bridge fire was ... (more)