With 8 sand hoppers for storage in tow, Vermilion Valley Railroad's 8310 drops down into the Wabash River Valley between Foster and Olin, Indiana. Steve Smedley photo
Yes, it’s probably a reproduction but it’s class nevertheless, especially when today’s multimillion dollar products get a tacky peel and stick label. IMHO that just says something about us.
Oh, yes we do understand Annie. Take the best product of the first generation, make it better, and she’s still on the job almost 65 years later.
Has anyone done a book on the GP10? They are ubiquitous products of a great rebuild program and deserve recognition for longevity, superior service as well a looks, if you disregard the “frog-e... (more)
The Vermillion Valley Railroad operates with diesels owned by the Indiana Boxcar Corporation. On September 29, 2018, a trio of IBCX GP9s were found in Foster, Indiana. At the front is IBCX 8310 ... (more)
IBCX GP10 8310, painted for IBCX operation Vermillion Valley Railway, sits on their property. Photo taken on private property with permission and supervision.
Former P&L unit that I believe was once ICG.