The BNSF to CN transfer waits at CN Junction to makes it's way south to CN Harrison Yard as an empty Scherer coal train waits on NS tracks.
A Herzog rock train awaits its signal across the CP Elgin Sub and down the "single track" for the city.
CNIC 6112 pulls up to the Tender, ready to head into the yard, switch crews, and continue North.
UP 7171 meets an empty coal being pulled by two IC SD's.
The emtpy coal continues North towards Jackson, leaning around a curve into Florence.
CN 6119 leads Alstom leaser 6051, along with CN 5342, 6132, and 6254 over the old CCP cement bridge.
Nothing like a pair of EMD's
IC 6112, IC 6202, IC 6070, IC 6002, IC 6135