Enroute to the Union Pacific interchange at Mount Shasta City, McCloud Railway's Hill Job shoves away from the Signal Butte switchback.
The remains of a turntable pit at Signal Butte on the McCloud Railway are somewhat deceptive. The turntable that was here was relatively small, and was only used for speeders and maintenance of w... (more)
McCloud Railway's Hill Job is backing down the grade into McCloud on a hot August afternoon. The decrepit water tank at Hooper foretold the future of the railroad.
Done with work for the day, McCloud Railway's two silver SDs back into the enginehouse.
McCloud Railway's 'Hill Job' is nearing the UP interchange in Mount Shasta.
The McCloud Railway's Hill Job is proceeding down the tail track of the Signal Butte switchback. Once the caboose clears the switch, the train will reverse direction and begin backing toward the U... (more)
The McCloud River 37 rests after an excursion in summer 1985.
The NRHS convention train has just arrived at Mount Shasta. It will be switched into two sections for the trip to McCloud.
Backing toward the UP interchange, a train of forest products rolls though the s-curves at Big Canyon on the McCloud Railway.