The NECR Saint Albans switcher crew is seen working Italy Yard. The SD40M-2 was built as an SD45 as SSW 9058 in March 1969.
NECR 3476, 3320 and CSOR 3399 team up to bring 43 cars south on train #324 past the Putney siding. The crew will soon go off duty to rest up for tonight's run on 323.
The Southbound 611 crew hustles past the station sign for Vernon at 7:59am with track warrant in hand to proceed from Milepost 119 to 70. Engines are NECR 3476, 3405 and 3317 with about 40 cars.
NECR 611-26 behind SD40M-2 #3476 is at Millers Falls, MA on 1/26/18. Tracks in the foreground belong to Pan Am Railways, the former B&M Fitchburg Div.
The crew of NECR 324/611-26 is finishing up their switching at Brattleboro, VT before they can depart for Palmer, MA on this cold January day 1/26/18. NECR #3476 is an SD40M-2 in an SD45 car body... (more)
The southbound Amtrak Vermonter train on April 17 utilized New England Central Railroad SD40M-2 3476 as a leader after the windshield was damaged on Amtrak P42-9 109. The freight unit was swapped... (more)
Matching orange EMDs power 611 north late in the day.
During the annual "Glory Days of Railroading" festival, Gennesse & Wyoming provided two locomotives for static display and night photography including this New England Central SD40-2.