Ex-CR loco slowly leading a molten-iron bottle train east through Pine Junction on the ex-NYC/CR Chicago Line.
A former Conrail geep 15 returns light after working the local job on the old Pennsy Panhandle.
NS 1447 (CR Quality OLS) leads another NS GP15-1 1440, while a thrid GP15-1 1406 (in straight up CR paint, no quality) rolls by on the rear.
Former Conrail GP15-1 leads a local east through Porter
Operation Lifesaver Conrail unit shoves back on it's train in the yard.
1447 and 2938 bring back the old time Conrail flavor as they switch cars in Abrams Yard.
operation lifesaver passing Walnut St. to Abrams
Former Conrail unit and sister take the freight west to abrams. Lead unit in operation lifesaver scheme.