At the end of the day, having just set off cars on the storage track, V74 receives permission to occupy the main and make a reverse move to it's tie down location for the night in Payne Yard.
B-34 ran into some trackage proplbems in Hinman Yard leaving this Blue Unit stuck for the day.
An ex-Conrail GP38-2 still dressed in good looking Operation Lifesaver paint.
northbound with ex Conrail Operation Lifesaver engine , with some stone cars on train.
southbound with a loaded coal train passing over Viaduct in late afternoon.
southbound with a loaded coal train , and a operation lifesaver engine in the lead!
H2A "Hershey Shifter" is slightly dwarfened by the New Signal Mast @ MP 98 @ 9:51am
5262 shifts Bean cars into the Hershey Food's Hershey Plant, Still sporting it's Conrail O/L Sceme @ 10:00am
NS local H5A rolls west on the high line led by Operation Lifesaver Conrail GP38-2 with another CRQ Geep on a sunny morning.
Former Conrail Operation Lifesaver unit still in good paint, ready to take the C30 to Conway