Eastbound coal loads. Trailing units are SD40-2 3255 and C30-7 8004.
Westbound freight crashes through the interlocking. Photo by Mike Dolenski.
After pushing westbound NS 375 up Duncan Hill the pushers return to their Louisville yard as a light snow falls on New Albany.
Finley based local AB10 creeps by 2nd Avenue as seen from U.S. Highway 11 with a pair of SD40-2s during the day's work.
Norfolk Southern local AB10 swings off the West End District & onto the AGS South at 27th Street interlocking as they head to work CMC Steel in Woodlawn, AL.
It's Saturday morning October 6, 2018 at Birmingham, Alabama as NS local job AB10 and it's SD40-2s steps through 27th Interlocking while heading to Norris Yard in Irondale from Finley Yard.
NS 6128,6104,8602, UP 9020 have about 200 coal loads in tow as they roll eastbound at Oakvale.
The fuel tank of this veteran EMD is glowing is the late afternoon sun
A veteran SD40-2 sits silently in the yard at Radford, resting for the weekend
The Monon waits to get into debutts yd.