NS 615 leads NS B90 (B19 Return) from NS Oakwood Yard to Wayne Yard, here it is seen coming on to the Michigan line at CP Townline in Dearborn.
The Fremont local sits after completeing switching duties at Michigan Sugar on the Toledo District.
NS L24 is one of two local jobs out of the heart of the Cleveland District known as South Lorain Yard. L24s duties are to switch Ford and PolyOne/Lubrizol, this job is a daily move but it more oft... (more)
NS 275 rolls by the Christmas wonderland in Salvisa with a veteran SD40-2 leading the over 8000 foot rack train. NS 275 would tie down in Danville Yard for the Christmas holiday shutdown.
NS Local LD07 is heading back to Oakwood Yard with 2 cars as they pass through the Delray section of Detroit.
Local L62 highballs west towards Montpelier, OH, in a scene straight out of the 1990s. While several sets of these classic Wabash searchlight signals remain here in Michigan, replacements are beg... (more)
Behind one of NS's finest, the NKP 765 heads west along familiar territory of the Chicago District, headed for North Judson, IN to run a series of special excursions.
The NKP 765 heads west on it's former stomping grounds of the Chicago District, headed for North Judson, IN to run a series of special excursions.
In the midst of a beautiful spring sunset, NS 323 hustles back east to Ft Wayne with only about 2 hours left to work after interchanging with the EJ&E in Van Loon.
Coming under the still standing coaling tower at Marion. This local has a few more to wait on.
NS Working between Decatur & Scottsboro
Setting out a cut of cars at Emory Gap in the late evening sun.