Eastbound autos pass through some of the farmland on the Reading Line on a nice late fall afternoon.
NS 15T rolls through Shawsville and finds the last remaining pocket of sunlight in the area.
NS 15T struggles up grade through Shawsville, Va on a warm April afternoon. Loaded coal is on the head end on this day, but I'm unsure of where it's going to.
CP/NS train 930 passes the historic D&H Plattsburgh station on a hot June Sunday morning
After a quick crew change at Burnside, NS 224 continues it's journey North on the CNO&TP as it crosses Lake Cumberland.
Four locomotives lead empty coal train number 751 north through High Point, NC on July 16, 2014.
Coal from Oneida, TN diverges from the Atlanta North onto the Cedartown District (aka C Line), bound for Georgia Power's Plant Yates.
NS 792 roars up Dugdown mountain with loaded coal bound for Georgia Power in Wansley. Its been a long time since Phil Matons shots here and the trees have grown in, but its still one of the best l... (more)
During the last light of the day, NS westbound 79T hauls a short string of empties with DPU's doing every bit of track speed and then some. Nikon D80.
NS 7603 leads seven other NS GEs and westbound empty Georiga Power coal train 717 out of Natural Tunnel. more)
NS 717 is dwarfed by the Beautiful countryside of the NS Appalachia District.