A variety of power. Two days worth of CN 529 have been combined as a 6-unit CN 529 heads through Montreal West in the driving snow. Lashup is NS 8039, NS 6934, NS 8101 (the Central of Georg... (more)
Norfolk Southern train 154 flies through downtown Wellford, SC with a long train in tow. A few minutes later the train would go into emergency due to the train becoming uncoupled between cars 12 a... (more)
Eastbound oil train 66W passes the derailment site of 12G in downtown Altoona. Around 2:30AM 12G derailed approximately 6 loaded grain hoppers while proceeding east on "MAIN 9" into Rose... (more)
NS 539 heads Westbound at Cassandra after waiting nearly two hours for an 11V that had engine troubles to clear the crossover from track 3 to track 2 at MO.
Westbound coal train 694 leans into the curve at MP 300 as it passes an eastbound empty ballast train. The HERZOG cars have solar/GPS panels that pinpoint the locations for dumping.