An C40-8W is in charge of NS 66X as it crosses over to the single main at CP TOMS, passing a PRR position light signal that has seen some better days.
A westbound train sits behind Food Country store staying of the crossings until the meet at Abingdon siding gets closer.
NS 42V climbs Starkey Hill in southwest Roanoke with 80 grain loads for NC. Gotta love a smoking GE!
It was a wild day weather wise in the Twin Cities Metro area. With a break in the clouds after dinner I decided to hit up a spot I haven't been to in nearly a year which just happens to be one of... (more)
Conrail-painted 8405 leads three other NS GE's east past CP 307.
NS 18A rolls down to the pad for a crew change with an increasingly rare Conrail painted leader.
Eastbound NS #223 just East of Dix on the NS Illinois Division. Checkout to two different number boards and a new cow catcher.
Former Conrail C40-9W leads an eastbound train over the Lehigh Line. The track to the right is a newly installed second main, not yet in use, while the track to the left is an old siding.
The sun has just risen as M6T heads north through newly plowed farmland.
The Head End of Train 840 Throttles Up to Get the Heavy Coal Train Moving.